Butter prices rocket again – there’s never been a better time to ‘Give it a Whirl!’
22nd June 2017

It’s buttery, it’s versatile and chefs love to cook with it. Now, thanks to the continuing rise of the price of butter, there’s never been a better time to try Whirl.
Whirl, the UK’s first-choice liquid butter alternative for caterers and chefs, combines the convenience of a vegetable oil with the authentic buttery taste that customers love.
In the region of 60% less expensive than wholesale butter[1], it’s perfect for baking, sauces, shallow-frying, glazing and grilling. Use Whirl across your starter, main and dessert menu, from spring time to the Christmas party season.
Whirl really is a chef’s best friend. With its consistent price mark, caterers and chefs alike can relax in the knowledge that a key component in their menu will not dip and dive, leaving menu prices steady.
Whirl is deliciously buttery yet a margin of the current price of butter. Want to give it a try? Tell us where to send your free sample of Whirl.
In the meantime, take a look at some of our fantastic recipes on the Whirl website – full of the indulgent taste of butter but without the high price.
[1] AHDB Dairy: Processor/Wholesale Prices Data and Prices - UK Wholesale Prices, October 2016: https://dairy.ahdb.org.uk/mark...